Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, December 15, 2008

This weekend we went as a family to pick out our tree in Little Compton...starting a new tradition.  It was muddy but we had a great time.  Here are some other pics of miss Sophie...she is getting bigger and bigger every day.  2 month visit with Dr Salm this week.....and I think shots!!

Sophie turns 2 Months!!!

Here is the 2 month picture of Sophie with her Juneau 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

We also had some family pictures taken while we were on our trip

Thanksgiving trip to South Carolina

So Carl and I were brave and took little Sophie on her first plane trip to visit the family in SC.  Of course she was perfect on the expected....and a hit in SC

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sophie turns 1 month!!!

I was told you should take a picture every month with something to see how Sophie I took her picture with her Juneau dog...not the real one.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is going backwards but we finally received the pics we had done of me pregnant...they came out fantastic!!  Now I just want to have pics taken of Sophie...I think I will wait  until she smiles on command though!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sophie is almost 1 month old already....I can't believe it.  Time goes by so fast.  She has been a great baby so far...sleeping at night.  Her mommy loves to sleep and I think she has taken after me on that one.  Here are some new shots of her ....I take a ton every day

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is one of my favorite pictures so far....I am sure there will be many to follow

First Halloween

Sophie was dressed as a little pumpkin for Halloween...we left the house only to introduce her to the neighbors but can't wait for a few years when we can really go trick or treating.  She also had her first doctors apt this week and weighed 7lbs 13 oz.  

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sophie Eve Melchar is here

It may hve been 18 hours of labor and 4 of pushing....that ended up in a c-section but she was worth all the effort....of course...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Breaking News...

Baby Melchar is coming.....Today!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yesterday I saw the doctor and no change really from the last visit.  Carl and I went to Patriot Place yesterday at the Gillette Stadium and walked as much as we could.......I'm going to keep walking until I can have this baby.  I am totally ready.....and just waiting.  

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lat weekend Carl's sister Dana got married at Castle Hill.  The weekend was fantastic but very tiring for me.  This is us on the Sunday night at the wedding.
This is the little man learning to swim at the beach.  Carl carries him out to the water and he swims in.  A few days ago he caught a bird in mid air and tried to eat it.  we have our hands full with him I have no idea what I am going to do with an infant??
This picture is for my mother who wants to see me "really pregnant".  Here I am at 30 weeks down at the beach behind our house walking the puppy.  Carl and I take him as much as we can and the walking is great for I don't get enough during my 12 hour shifts at the hospital.  It has paid off though because my weight gain has only been 11 pound so far!!
I know I have been slacking but here is the baby girl at 23 weeks.  Her feet are almost over the top of her you think she is going to be tall like her father?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

This is my belly at 21 weeks.....I love being pregnant and feeling the little quivers.  This is an amazing thing!!
This is our newest addition to our girl???  We are not exactly sure but we should know more in 3 weeks!!!

Lots of things are going on in our lives lately and since we have so many friends and family that are so far away I decided to have a try at this....give me some time I am not so great with this type of stuff