Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This weekend we had a huge snow storm...approx 20 inches. Last year Sophie was too small to go out in the snow so we bundled her up and braved the cold so she could see what it was like. She seemed to like it until she did a face plant in a snow bank.....that was the end of that.

Last year we started a tradition when Sophie was only 8 weeks old to go to Little Compton to get out this year we all piled into the car (Juneau too) and off we went. This year Sophie could run all around the farm, and she loved it.

Once again it has been quite a while since I have had the time to do any posts. Sophie is changing everyday and growing into a very active and interested toddler. She is only walking now, and of course into everything!!! Here are a few shots of Thanksgiving. We had double duty with lunch at my Dad's and dinner at Carl's Uncle Andy's. Sophie loved the turkey and all the fixins!!!!